
Fundamentals Of Commodity Price Risk Management Workshop

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StoneX & Euronext will deliver a hands-on exclusive workshop, aimed at delivering you the knowledge and skills to navigate your risk environment with greater control. Find the risk management approach that works for your business and discover ways that can lead to competitive advantage. To help you efficiently manage and protect your margin in volatile commodity markets join us on 10 April, at 9:00 for:

 Fundamentals Of Commodity Price Risk Management 

10 April, 9:00

This FREE seminar led by Reinis Bekeris from StoneX Financial Europe S.A., Irish Branch and Alexandre Bobylov from Euronext, France will focus on the following topics:
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Euronext Agricultural futures and options market (By Alex Bobylov, Euronext)
  • History of Euronext
  • Futures and Options Specifications
  • Margin requirements        
 Options & Hedge portfolio management (By Reinis Bekeris, StoneX)
  • Brief introduction to options 
  • Options price discovery (IV, Greeks) 
  • Common Options Strategies
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Risk management principles (By Reinis Bekeris, StoneX)
  • Who is StoneX
  • Identifying risk 
    • CVB Wheat and Corn market outline
    • Historical price correlations
    • Introduction to basis (premiums) with Examples from CVB market
    • Defining Net position
  • Managing risk 
    • Concept of a hedge
    • Hedging example using Euronext Futures
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(!) This exclusive workshop is only available for attendees of EuroGrainExchange 2024.
(i) The access to the workshop is FREE, subject to availability/room capacity, registrations via email and approval basis first-come, first-served. 

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StoneX Group Inc. (NASDAQ: SNEX) is an institutional-grade financial services franchise, offering advanced digital platforms, end-to-end clearing and execution services and global market expertise to our clients worldwide.
Euronext is the leading exchange for agricultural commodities in mainland Europe, offering the industry a range of efficient and competitive instruments for managing price risk. Our MATIF contracts have long been relied upon as trusted global and European pricing benchmarks for products including Milling Wheat, Rapeseed and Corn, while we continue to expand into new underlyings. Our focus is always on maintaining the success of our benchmark contracts, while encouraging liquidity in our newer contracts and continuing to find new and better ways of helping you access the liquidity and prices that you need, in a secure environment. More information
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